
Please add your thoughts and comments below.  Maybe this will be helpful for others to share how they are using GoWithThat... we'll see.  Kindness rules this page.


29 Comments on “Comments

    1. No, it doesn’t work on Chromebook but maybe there’s ways to use it sort-of through Chromebook. If you are a therapist, you could have your client install it on their computer (provided it’s a Mac or PC). Then, you could use any number of remote access solutions such as Zoom or similar Remote Desktop app to access their computer. Zoom has that built-in and it works pretty well for remote access and EMDR.

  1. Hey all. Just a quick update. The c19 situation has really slowed down my development and updates. I wasn’t prepared to be so busy with my counseling business. Lots of challenges in the world. I’m thinking I’ll carve some time out soon to tidy up some new releases. Please let me know if you have any major suggestions. First on the list is a ‘save’ feature to allow you to save your user’s preferences. What else folks? Brady

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